about nintendo 3ds

Diposting oleh admin Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Overnight,Nintendo made the surprising decision to reveal a new piece of hardware months outside of E3. Well,reveal might be too strong a word. Barely Mention might be more appopriate,leaving us to fill into gaps our selves.

With curiosity being a driving human instinct,and Nintendo doing little to satisfy our need for answer with the briefest of press release,we have to read between the lines to try and findout more about Nintendo's latest piece of portable hardware. So. . .let the line-reading commence.

- That a new handheld,called the Nintendo 3DS,will be released sometime during Nintendo's next financial year ( Apr 2010 - March 2011 ).

- It will be capable of producing 3D graphics,without the need for 3D glasses.
( code claim technorati RZAXNHET84D3 )

- The 3DS will be backwards compatible with the entire line of Nintendo DS products.

- It will be properly revealed during the E3 trade show in L.A, which will take place in June.

What we think we know there are a few more details we can gleal from the information above. This isn't confirmed,just stuff we suspect based on supporting evidence.

- The 3DS will feature 2 cameras ( If it includes support for DSi software,it'll have to ).

- It's an all-new line of hardware,not simply a new model of DS. Depsite having the letters DS in the name,it's a working little,and the use of terms like 'backwards compatible' and the fact it's succedin the 'Nintendo DS series' sounds a lot like this is the first of nintendo's next generation of handheld gaming devices.

- It'll use those comeras to crack the movement of the handheld and or the player. That movement will be used to display the 3D effects,similar to the way recent DS,tittle 3D hidden picture hardles things. In support of this,in an interview with a japanese newspaper earlier this year,Nintendo President Satori Iwata said in relation to the company's next handheld it will be necessary to have a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing.

For more information about Nintendo 3DS Click Here!

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